December 29, 2008

December 2008 installations

We were able to get 9 wells installed in December. I was really pleased that Tin was able to get the well for the family in Boston finished in time for their parents Christmas present. You could see the joy in that family that they received a well. Shown below are three more wells that the fundraiser was able to install along with the well for Elmer and Rebecca of Boston. I will try and post the remaining pictures later this month.

I have the receipt posted. The translation for the receipt is as follows.
( Preas Dak village, Preas Dak commune, Banteay srey district and Siem Reap Province)
1: 5 plastic pipes x $3.5 = $17.5
2: Pump head 1 x $46.5= $46.5
3: cement 2 sacks x $6.25= $12.5
4: glue 1can x $ 0.5= $0.5
5: Brick 100 pieces x 400r= $10
6: Crepin (filter) 1 x $4.5 = $4.5
7: metal connection 1 x $1.5= $1.5
8: Sand half cubic m x 20000r = $5
9:Rock half cubic m x $10.5 = $10.5
10: Workers 4 x $12.5 = $50
11: Pickup car & driver = $60
12: Petrol used for 2 pumping machines= $6
13: Well's sign = $25
Grand total = $249.5

I was a little discouraged to see that the signs cost $25 but that is the best incentive that Tin has been able to come up with. I guess it is all a part of doing business. The signs do last quite a while, a year or more. I’ll post more pictures soon. Thanks again for everyone’s effort in making all this possible.