I was able to have two wells built in July. I hadn’t collected any money lately so I just sent Tin the money for two wells. They were for two families that we had met there on our last trip and you could really see the need from the two mothers as they almost begged for their family to be next. My wife Nancy wrote about these families in her blog. Here is the link to her story Touring Cambodia. http://crowncenter.blogspot.com/2008/03/touring-cambodia.html
Tin sent these pictures along with one that another past tourist paid for. Once again it cost $46 dollars to send the $600.00. It was $20 on my end from Commerce bank to send it and $26 for him to pick it up. I looked into PayPal to see if I could send money less expensive, but it seems they do not operate in Cambodia. I did send a little extra money for these families to help them out with food since rice has almost doubled per kilo. It is just so hard for the people over there. I’m going to try and have enough money by the end of September for 4 more families. I’ve been out of town on a couple of small trips lately and lost focus on raising more money. And before that I was thinking about how to raise large sums of funds and getting a tax free or NGO status. That kind of got me in a funk since I was not getting anywhere with it. So, in September I’m going to try and get enough funds for as many families as possible, after that I’ll look into fundraisers, etc. Maybe I can get so kind of Christmas tie-in going. People can get each other a well for a needy family instead of giving things that sometimes neither one of them really needs or wants. That would make gift giving simple.

This well is being used by two families which live in Kravan village. This is the Khe Nounn family. There are 8 children in this family.
This is the Pech Say Family. They have 6 children
Here is the picture of a well that a past visitor from 2007 sent. She has also b
een very active in supporting Tin.

I'll keep in touch and if anyone wants to contact me, my email address is cknab1@yahoo.com