Our fundraiser was a success. We were able to rise a little over $1500 from both outright donations and through the auction. My daughter made some coasters and a large trivet that were sold and really helped the cause. And I was able to auction off a few of my photographs. People were really generous, and some of these are the same people that I hit up last year and they are still willing to give both their money and time. It is truly amazing. I want to give an extra thank you to Rhonda for making it all possible. It was only through her hard work and the willingness of the staff at Milano to let us use the space that made it a reality. I’m not sure where we could have had the success we did if not for their efforts.
Since the event, I have been in touch with Tin and he has picked out where the new wells will go. It is in the Kulen mountain area, about 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap.

The mountains are behind us in this photo when we went last February to the Kulen area and saw the Reclining Buddha that was built at the top of one of the mountains.
We will be able to add six wells and the signs will read "From your friends in Kansas City". Tin should be able to install all the wells in December. I can’t wait to get the pictures and see the families and children we have helped.