I sent Tin $2250 on Nov.26th. He hopes to have all the wells in by the end of December. After I paid the fees on my end, he had to pay $15 to get the money and the banks along the way took another $35. So he received a total of $2200.00. Earlier a couple of British tourist gave Tin $150 so I added the remaining $100 plus I donated a little extra to get the total to nine wells from the six I thought we could do before. This includes money that a past acquaintance of my daughter that lives in the Boston area also donated. She and her sisters sent me $250 for a well that they donated in their parents name for Christmas. This is a great gift that will last and last. Tin is having a little trouble getting tourist groups in because of the unrest in Thailand since demonstrators have blocked both main airports in Bangkok. He had three groups cancel in November. I think the airports are opening this weekend so I hope other groups have not cancelled as well. Tourism is a major source of income for not only Tin, but the rest of Siem Reap. I had told Tin that since he had lost so many clients that he could use the extra $100 I sent for expenses and wait until some other tourist donated money to go along with the British donation. This is his answer to me.
Thank so much for your kindness. I will not use this money for myself because I have contracted with local well company last few days that I would supply 9wells to 9 families which were already selected. I have to use this money for those 9 families which I have promised with them last few ago. I can't break my promises. Once those families are very poor.Now is winter.At night time is 14degree C and in the day is 25degree C. These people do not have properly clothes and blanket. you know when the temperature varies from 14 to 25degree C means it is chilly here. I am wearing thick cloth every day especially at night time. We donot know how long winter is going to last.Tourism is getting very slow. However thai airport is being ready to open again tourists are still afraid of coming via thailand. We'll see what is going to happen next.
I hope to have plenty of pictures to share after the New Years. It always makes me very happy to see the families and children in the photos and to know that we have made such a big difference in people’s lives.